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Our Services

We provide a wide array of medical services.

Medical Consultation & Disease Management

For all infections including undiagnosed fevers, post-procedure/hospital-acquired infections, tropical diseases like malaria, dengue, viral hepatitis (hepatitis B or C for example), TB (including MDR-TB), and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.

Post Exposure Prophylaxis

PEP must be started within 72 hours after recent possible exposure to HIV, but the sooner you start PEP, the better. If you’re prescribed PEP, you’ll need to take it once or twice daily for 30 days.

Travel Medicine Consultation

Travel Medicine focuses on the prevention and management of health issues related to travel. We give advice on vaccinations, region-specific travel medicine, pre-travel preparations, travel-related illnesses, and post-travel management. 

HIV/AIDS Management

Unison has over 7000 HIV positive patients registered since 1995 and around 3000 of these are still under regular follow-up. We are a unique clinic because all the aspects of HIV management are offered under the same roof and in a single day.

Counselling Services

HIV Counselling Services with very experienced and compassionate counsellors, we are well prepared to address the psychological needs of our patients and their relatives with utmost sensitivity.

Adult Immunization

Vaccines are not just for kids. We can help you find out what adult vaccinations you need depending on your age, medical history and other factors.

Hospital Based Care

We arrange and supervise hospital care for our patients as per their needs.

Education Training & workshop

We conduct education and training programs for different groups like patients, students and healthcare workers. We train medical and paramedical personnel providing ‘hands-on training’ and ‘training of trainers’.

Research & Development

We are involved in translational research in infectious diseases and in behavioural research. We also help with validation of newer diagnostic tests and other laboratory assays.

Radiology Service

We have our own digital X-ray and ultrasound services